How To Pass A THC Drug Test: Best Marijuana Detoxification Product Methods That Work
Table of Content Did this article help you? What Is Being Tested? Proven Ways To Pass a Drug Test What Drugs Do Drug Tests Look For? How to Pass a Blood Drug Test for Weed 'PassYourTest' actually has a 'Same-Day Cleanse ' product for those in your very same situation. As advertised on their site, their same-day cleansers are designed to "flush your body of unwanted toxins the same day." This procedure detects the chronic drug use of an individual. Wait 20 minutes, and then drink the entire bottle of QCarbo. Gatorade will restore the average specific gravity, and the creatine will restore the creatinine levels in your urine. This reabsorbed THC can end up in the urine and make you fail. There are also a few home remedies you can try for special types of tests, such as blood, hair, and saliva tests. You might also try a few strategies to increase the odds of passing your test. Keep in mind that you may lose your job or face legal or other disciplinary a...